Healing is a natural process which enables a set of processess to take place which induces a positive effect on a person or circumstances. Healing can be received by anyone for every set of circumstances.
People can be healed for physical dis-ease along with relationshipe, finances, plants, animals and also things like computers and cars.
Therapies such as Reiki, Magnified Healing, Seichim etc involve the laying of hands on or slightly above the body. Life force energy is them channelled into the body to heal the recipient for their highest good.
There are millions of people all over the world who can verify that miracle healings are possible and that they are being received by ordinary people as well.
Healing stories include healing of tumours, cancer, diabetes, emotional disorders etc. Anyone who has received a miracle healing will tell you how greatful they are, and how the healing or second chance at life changes their whole lives.
Healing is a gift from the Divine and is open to everyone to receive. All that is required is for one to ask for the healing, expect it to happen and express a deep gratitude for the healing.
If you have received a miracle healing please contact me at vonnie1223@gmail.com as I would love to hear the story and if would be lovely to share your story with others.